all postcodes in SY11 / OSWESTRY

find any address or company within the SY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY11 3JD 0 52.892889 -3.035149
SY11 3JE 0 52.893803 -3.03489
SY11 3JF 0 52.894328 -3.035512
SY11 3JG 0 52.894407 -3.036286
SY11 3JH 0 52.894894 -3.036507
SY11 3JJ 0 52.895056 -3.036167
SY11 3JL 3 52.894092 -3.036397
SY11 3JP 0 52.894821 -3.03765
SY11 3JQ 0 52.894156 -3.035657
SY11 3JR 7 52.894395 -3.037757
SY11 3JS 3 52.893514 -3.037676
SY11 3JT 0 52.893274 -3.038861
SY11 3JU 0 52.893679 -3.039748
SY11 3JW 0 52.894678 -3.037184
SY11 3JX 0 52.892729 -3.039517
SY11 3JY 19 1 52.895011 -3.037177
SY11 3JZ 5 0 52.895934 -3.038507
SY11 3LH 16 0 52.899657 -3.040843
SY11 3LA 6 0 52.89659 -3.038911
SY11 3LB 24 0 52.897746 -3.039399