all postcodes in SY11 / OSWESTRY

find any address or company within the SY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY11 3NF 5 0 52.891458 -3.03262
SY11 3NG 17 0 52.894251 -3.034054
SY11 3NH 3 2 52.895779 -3.036749
SY11 3NJ 2 0 52.896085 -3.036653
SY11 3NL 1 0 52.896162 -3.036522
SY11 3NN 2 0 52.89669 -3.036325
SY11 3NP 12 1 52.896766 -3.036907
SY11 3NQ 6 1 52.895391 -3.035804
SY11 3NR 38 0 52.897318 -3.0349
SY11 3NS 40 1 52.897058 -3.033793
SY11 3NT 15 0 52.899963 -3.042798
SY11 3NU 6 0 52.901247 -3.043051
SY11 3NW 7 0 52.896252 -3.036495
SY11 3NX 4 0 52.900384 -3.041975
SY11 3NY 6 0 52.901294 -3.041759
SY11 3PA 46 0 52.89577 -3.03409
SY11 3PB 53 0 52.895976 -3.032681
SY11 3PD 3 0 52.897439 -3.037131
SY11 3PE 9 0 52.897421 -3.036001
SY11 3PF 26 1 52.896994 -3.038014