all postcodes in SY13 / MALPAS

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY13 1QT 29 3 52.970343 -2.681858
SY13 1QU 24 1 52.969558 -2.683053
SY13 1QW 14 8 52.970249 -2.680026
SY13 1QX 1 1 52.969138 -2.6826
SY13 1QY 21 2 52.970164 -2.683151
SY13 1RA 1 1 52.970294 -2.683288
SY13 1RB 2 0 52.969624 -2.682458
SY13 1RD 8 2 52.968893 -2.677606
SY13 1RE 20 4 52.968222 -2.676138
SY13 1RF 1 1 52.968368 -2.677257
SY13 1RG 10 0 52.969114 -2.675765
SY13 1RH 24 0 52.968085 -2.674154
SY13 1RJ 14 1 52.967514 -2.674102
SY13 1RL 7 1 52.967978 -2.672515
SY13 1RN 28 0 52.966439 -2.67346
SY13 1RP 30 0 52.966452 -2.672835
SY13 1RQ 11 0 52.969369 -2.675233
SY13 1RR 35 0 52.972142 -2.68083
SY13 1RT 17 3 52.966872 -2.669311
SY13 1RU 4 0 52.967176 -2.665476