all postcodes in SY13 / MALPAS

find any address or company within the SY13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY13 1LL 20 1 52.971185 -2.686146
SY13 1LN 3 0 52.972345 -2.686967
SY13 1LP 8 0 52.973383 -2.688385
SY13 1LQ 5 1 52.970413 -2.685224
SY13 1LR 24 0 52.975275 -2.689308
SY13 1LS 2 0 52.978647 -2.694648
SY13 1LT 31 0 52.977464 -2.690118
SY13 1LU 35 0 52.978128 -2.690218
SY13 1LW 4 0 52.972749 -2.687078
SY13 1LY 17 0 52.97356 -2.69135
SY13 1LZ 22 5 52.97279 -2.689208
SY13 1NA 8 0 52.972076 -2.692221
SY13 1NB 8 0 52.973523 -2.693122
SY13 1ND 12 0 52.972728 -2.692916
SY13 1NE 16 0 52.972138 -2.695334
SY13 1NF 1 0 52.973475 -2.695862
SY13 1NG 21 0 52.973621 -2.699363
SY13 1NH 3 0 52.97445 -2.698141
SY13 1NL 39 0 52.971625 -2.690844
SY13 1NN 3 0 52.972245 -2.69404