all postcodes in SY15 / MONTGOMERY

find any address or company within the SY15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY15 6TN 0 52.505235 -3.100818
SY15 6TP 0 52.501058 -3.0946
SY15 6TQ 4 52.519683 -3.086176
SY15 6TR 0 52.498176 -3.112544
SY15 6TW 0 52.502814 -3.085524
SY15 6TY 0 52.545872 -3.125606
SY15 6TZ 0 52.549365 -3.09409
SY15 6UA 0 52.544037 -3.086202
SY15 6UB 0 52.554646 -3.089119
SY15 6UD 0 52.567677 -3.093529
SY15 6UE 0 52.578801 -3.097744
SY15 6UF 0 52.574667 -3.110111
SY15 6UG 0 52.577219 -3.113438
SY15 6UH 0 52.565435 -3.109981
SY15 6UJ 0 52.566676 -3.143386
SY15 6UL 0 52.558784 -3.133858
SY15 6UN 0 52.564523 -3.14752
SY15 6UQ 0 52.576407 -3.121975
SY15 6UP 0 52.565738 -3.144557
SY15 6UR 0 52.565852 -3.143926