all postcodes in SY15 / MONTGOMERY

find any address or company within the SY15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY15 6SF 0 52.578338 -3.20219
SY15 6SG 0 52.578835 -3.206306
SY15 6SH 0 52.566161 -3.147371
SY15 6SQ 0 52.581763 -3.206623
SY15 6SR 0 52.539536 -3.079043
SY15 6SS 0 52.530883 -3.078447
SY15 6ST 0 52.521649 -3.068744
SY15 6SU 0 52.52093 -3.064703
SY15 6SX 0 52.518599 -3.0417
SY15 6SY 0 52.512436 -3.029928
SY15 6SZ 0 52.508916 -3.012754
SY15 6TA 0 52.515651 -3.044725
SY15 6TB 0 52.515985 -3.064716
SY15 6TD 0 52.523144 -3.108473
SY15 6TE 1 52.524778 -3.120807
SY15 6TF 0 52.526748 -3.130173
SY15 6TG 0 52.517613 -3.124899
SY15 6TH 0 52.511262 -3.100423
SY15 6TJ 0 52.510479 -3.092786
SY15 6TL 0 52.512618 -3.076114