all postcodes in SY15 / MONTGOMERY

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY15 6LJ 0 52.547826 -3.186859
SY15 6LL 0 52.543267 -3.196778
SY15 6LN 0 52.544079 -3.192081
SY15 6LP 0 52.533566 -3.187949
SY15 6LQ 2 52.549456 -3.185723
SY15 6LR 0 52.527822 -3.193174
SY15 6LS 0 52.523951 -3.19164
SY15 6LU 0 52.532843 -3.174764
SY15 6LW 0 52.532787 -3.203658
SY15 6LX 0 52.549987 -3.185678
SY15 6LY 0 52.549646 -3.18561
SY15 6NA 0 52.559376 -3.228534
SY15 6NB 0 52.564553 -3.227793
SY15 6ND 6 52.544033 -3.237426
SY15 6NG 0 52.543756 -3.237286
SY15 6NH 3 52.54245 -3.235213
SY15 6NJ 0 52.543264 -3.231254
SY15 6NL 0 52.542545 -3.230438
SY15 6NN 0 52.532298 -3.225906
SY15 6NR 0 52.526562 -3.239661