all postcodes in SY15 / MONTGOMERY

find any address or company within the SY15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY15 6NS 0 52.527282 -3.241362
SY15 6NT 0 52.536449 -3.250997
SY15 6NU 0 52.541225 -3.237095
SY15 6NW 3 52.524602 -3.225868
SY15 6PA 1 52.560342 -3.149358
SY15 6PB 0 52.560297 -3.150346
SY15 6PD 0 52.558449 -3.149973
SY15 6PE 0 52.558933 -3.14882
SY15 6PF 1 52.559346 -3.148241
SY15 6PG 0 52.55978 -3.148931
SY15 6PH 3 52.560147 -3.148232
SY15 6PN 4 52.560518 -3.147932
SY15 6PP 0 52.559266 -3.147265
SY15 6PR 0 52.559665 -3.145992
SY15 6PS 0 52.560658 -3.144676
SY15 6PT 0 52.560134 -3.146712
SY15 6PU 0 52.561498 -3.146084
SY15 6PW 2 52.559909 -3.14768
SY15 6PX 0 52.561108 -3.146162
SY15 6PY 0 52.561527 -3.147767