all postcodes in SY17 / CAERSWS

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY17 5BS 1 0 52.483851 -3.435013
SY17 5BT 16 0 52.483666 -3.432489
SY17 5BU 10 0 52.483361 -3.433907
SY17 5BX 7 0 52.48306 -3.435061
SY17 5BY 37 4 52.485277 -3.43531
SY17 5BZ 6 0 52.483999 -3.436152
SY17 5DA 1 0 52.48258 -3.435325
SY17 5DB 6 0 52.482718 -3.436537
SY17 5DD 14 1 52.488556 -3.442957
SY17 5DE 1 1 52.487143 -3.443058
SY17 5DF 9 0 52.489147 -3.443905
SY17 5DG 4 0 52.487627 -3.435048
SY17 5DH 7 0 52.493388 -3.43223
SY17 5DJ 9 0 52.496932 -3.427661
SY17 5DL 3 0 52.50136 -3.426508
SY17 5DN 4 0 52.501009 -3.433274
SY17 5DQ 1 1 52.491197 -3.430509
SY17 5DR 4 0 52.482213 -3.436638
SY17 5DS 18 0 52.516942 -3.428649
SY17 5DT 13 2 52.515766 -3.428507