all postcodes in SY17 / CAERSWS

find any address or company within the SY17 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY17 5DU 2 0 52.515526 -3.428047
SY17 5DW 6 0 52.485093 -3.435701
SY17 5DX 2 0 52.515439 -3.427764
SY17 5DY 4 0 52.515808 -3.428008
SY17 5DZ 16 0 52.515844 -3.427257
SY17 5EA 2 0 52.515895 -3.427234
SY17 5ED 5 0 52.516545 -3.426499
SY17 5EE 2 0 52.516606 -3.426417
SY17 5EF 12 2 52.516727 -3.430086
SY17 5EG 2 0 52.516785 -3.430196
SY17 5EH 8 0 52.517753 -3.42701
SY17 5EJ 6 0 52.516103 -3.431127
SY17 5EL 17 3 52.516431 -3.428544
SY17 5EN 4 0 52.516572 -3.428047
SY17 5EP 9 0 52.518258 -3.42542
SY17 5EQ 20 5 52.515993 -3.430534
SY17 5ER 6 0 52.517429 -3.426292
SY17 5ES 6 0 52.518021 -3.425692
SY17 5ET 3 0 52.518868 -3.42401
SY17 5EU 9 0 52.517595 -3.42863