all postcodes in SY20 / MACHYNLLETH

find any address or company within the SY20 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY20 8EJ 0 52.589538 -3.841019
SY20 8EL 3 52.589601 -3.851917
SY20 8EN 0 52.590871 -3.848929
SY20 8EP 0 52.594644 -3.838738
SY20 8EQ 1 52.590244 -3.84533
SY20 8ER 4 52.588973 -3.851876
SY20 8ES 0 52.591394 -3.847091
SY20 8ET 0 52.58817 -3.854927
SY20 8EU 0 52.587027 -3.856148
SY20 8EY 0 52.5913 -3.843352
SY20 8EZ 0 52.591814 -3.843772
SY20 8HA 0 52.592284 -3.842463
SY20 8HB 0 52.591871 -3.84187
SY20 8HD 0 52.591572 -3.840868
SY20 8HE 2 52.592026 -3.837078
SY20 8HF 0 52.590855 -3.84075
SY20 8HG 0 52.590633 -3.839397
SY20 8HH 0 52.59195 -3.850052
SY20 8HJ 0 52.590592 -3.842599
SY20 8HL 0 52.592605 -3.840912