all postcodes in SY20 / MACHYNLLETH

find any address or company within the SY20 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY20 8DG 3 52.589853 -3.853049
SY20 8DH 0 52.591379 -3.844625
SY20 8DJ 0 52.589359 -3.853043
SY20 8DL 0 52.58906 -3.85357
SY20 8DN 4 52.589852 -3.8535
SY20 8DP 1 52.589589 -3.85388
SY20 8DQ 0 52.589812 -3.852826
SY20 8DR 2 52.58944 -3.854198
SY20 8DS 0 52.589874 -3.85387
SY20 8DT 11 52.590486 -3.850929
SY20 8DW 1 52.590447 -3.853591
SY20 8DX 1 52.590358 -3.851831
SY20 8DY 3 52.590643 -3.849141
SY20 8EA 5 52.590719 -3.846575
SY20 8EB 15 52.59074 -3.851581
SY20 8ED 0 52.590674 -3.845437
SY20 8EE 4 52.590848 -3.849268
SY20 8EF 1 52.59104 -3.846766
SY20 8EG 10 52.590037 -3.843594
SY20 8EH 0 52.590236 -3.842333