all postcodes in SY21 / WELSHPOOL

find any address or company within the SY21 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY21 7SE 4 52.660142 -3.147628
SY21 7SF 4 52.659202 -3.149023
SY21 7SG 0 52.65917 -3.148682
SY21 7SH 1 52.659803 -3.147294
SY21 7SL 1 52.658915 -3.14804
SY21 7SP 0 52.658409 -3.147361
SY21 7SQ 18 52.659057 -3.147349
SY21 7SR 0 52.658236 -3.147608
SY21 7SS 0 52.657486 -3.147086
SY21 7ST 0 52.656183 -3.147037
SY21 7SU 0 52.65665 -3.145761
SY21 7SX 0 52.657674 -3.148126
SY21 7SY 0 52.656226 -3.148206
SY21 7SZ 1 52.656248 -3.14868
SY21 7TA 0 52.655347 -3.147917
SY21 7TB 0 52.655188 -3.14948
SY21 7TD 0 52.654426 -3.150199
SY21 7TE 2 52.657546 -3.149202
SY21 7TF 0 52.657046 -3.147045
SY21 7TG 0 52.666418 -3.1438