all postcodes in SY21 / WELSHPOOL

find any address or company within the SY21 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY21 7HU 0 52.663793 -3.141026
SY21 7HW 0 52.664353 -3.137906
SY21 7HX 0 52.663453 -3.141756
SY21 7HY 0 52.661644 -3.142862
SY21 7HZ 0 52.66396 -3.142302
SY21 7JA 0 52.660574 -3.142953
SY21 7JB 0 52.663703 -3.140033
SY21 7JD 0 52.661125 -3.153761
SY21 7JE 2 52.661025 -3.150165
SY21 7JF 6 52.66036 -3.149261
SY21 7JG 0 52.65507 -3.148708
SY21 7JH 2 52.660793 -3.149094
SY21 7JJ 0 52.661023 -3.153211
SY21 7JL 4 52.660778 -3.1497
SY21 7JN 1 52.659677 -3.1501
SY21 7JP 15 52.660548 -3.15086
SY21 7JQ 7 52.660703 -3.149122
SY21 7JR 1 52.66023 -3.147808
SY21 7JS 1 52.660301 -3.151267
SY21 7JT 0 52.660005 -3.151587