all postcodes in SY25 / TREGARON

find any address or company within the SY25 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY25 6ES 1 52.269224 -3.82603
SY25 6ET 1 52.279452 -3.815822
SY25 6EU 0 52.281379 -3.862388
SY25 6EW 0 52.281268 -3.861191
SY25 6HA 7 52.219604 -3.934685
SY25 6HD 2 52.219114 -3.93573
SY25 6HE 0 52.218788 -3.935645
SY25 6HF 0 52.218994 -3.935915
SY25 6HG 2 52.217399 -3.939945
SY25 6HH 1 52.220321 -3.933735
SY25 6HJ 0 52.221222 -3.933599
SY25 6HL 0 52.223713 -3.912082
SY25 6HN 0 52.231603 -3.888932
SY25 6HP 0 52.218626 -3.941128
SY25 6HQ 0 52.219772 -3.935966
SY25 6HR 0 52.219493 -3.938923
SY25 6HS 1 52.220167 -3.934358
SY25 6HU 4 52.22006 -3.934822
SY25 6HW 0 52.219293 -3.944831
SY25 6HX 11 52.221387 -3.935055