all postcodes in SY25 / TREGARON

find any address or company within the SY25 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY25 6HY 3 52.223589 -3.935107
SY25 6HZ 0 52.223169 -3.935543
SY25 6JA 0 52.222599 -3.933
SY25 6JB 0 52.223114 -3.934486
SY25 6JD 2 52.222622 -3.932122
SY25 6JE 1 52.223538 -3.932777
SY25 6JF 0 52.239933 -3.922651
SY25 6JG 0 52.223605 -3.930291
SY25 6JH 0 52.224114 -3.931601
SY25 6JL 8 52.219808 -3.933186
SY25 6JN 2 52.219161 -3.933729
SY25 6JP 1 52.215505 -3.936819
SY25 6JQ 0 52.223917 -3.933803
SY25 6JR 0 52.209192 -3.939077
SY25 6JS 0 52.205771 -3.921702
SY25 6JT 0 52.219061 -3.934925
SY25 6JU 0 52.218553 -3.935195
SY25 6JW 1 52.216079 -3.935249
SY25 6JY 0 52.218195 -3.936161
SY25 6JZ 0 52.21771 -3.935598