all postcodes in SY2 / SHREWSBURY

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY2 6SP 0 52.694234 -2.719451
SY2 6SQ 0 52.694349 -2.721287
SY2 6SR 0 52.691901 -2.720167
SY2 6SW 0 52.693642 -2.717739
SY2 6TA 0 52.694498 -2.733497
SY2 6TB 0 52.69559 -2.734314
SY2 6TD 0 52.69739 -2.733945
SY2 6TE 0 52.697901 -2.734309
SY2 6TF 0 52.69689 -2.734869
SY2 6TG 0 52.696139 -2.735626
SY2 6TH 0 52.699015 -2.732922
SY2 6TQ 0 52.69562 -2.735321
SY2 6UA 0 52.706462 -2.736643
SY2 6WB 1 52.713145 -2.749116
SY2 6QW 1 52.686442 -2.740342
SY2 6FD 1 1 52.706155 -2.73982
SY2 6ST 3 52.688426 -2.748485
SY2 6FE 0 52.693315 -2.732959
SY2 6FF 0 52.692946 -2.733012
SY2 6FG 10 52.691257 -2.719044