all postcodes in SY2 / SHREWSBURY

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY2 6JF 0 52.688247 -2.724646
SY2 6JG 0 52.688451 -2.726661
SY20 0AL 1 0 52.588911 -3.84354
SY20 8AA 4 52.590707 -3.852902
SY20 8AD 1 52.591748 -3.845748
SY20 8AE 3 52.590308 -3.852759
SY20 8AF 1 52.590845 -3.850582
SY20 8AG 7 52.591071 -3.853411
SY20 8AH 1 52.588896 -3.843531
SY20 8AJ 5 52.591233 -3.852783
SY20 8AN 0 52.592359 -3.852092
SY20 8AP 0 52.591825 -3.851184
SY20 8AR 0 52.59178 -3.850954
SY20 8AS 0 52.591644 -3.850689
SY20 8AT 1 52.591267 -3.850629
SY20 8AU 1 52.590129 -3.848676
SY20 8AW 0 52.591865 -3.852057
SY20 8AX 2 52.596464 -3.853322
SY20 8AY 0 52.591221 -3.851063
SY20 8AZ 0 52.591738 -3.851549