all postcodes in SY3 / SHREWSBURY

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY3 0DL 0 52.675208 -2.760313
SY3 0DN 0 52.675538 -2.760704
SY3 0DP 1 52.674505 -2.761958
SY3 0DQ 0 52.675514 -2.75881
SY3 0DT 0 52.674309 -2.763152
SY3 0DU 0 52.674134 -2.76099
SY3 0DW 1 52.676115 -2.760447
SY3 0DX 0 52.674702 -2.760659
SY3 0DY 0 52.671122 -2.764559
SY3 0DZ 1 52.674096 -2.760662
SY3 0EA 1 52.674237 -2.758965
SY3 0EB 0 52.67445 -2.759428
SY3 0ED 0 52.673391 -2.758446
SY3 0EE 0 52.673344 -2.758785
SY3 0EF 0 52.673018 -2.759728
SY3 0EH 0 52.672556 -2.761672
SY3 0EJ 0 52.672534 -2.762352
SY3 0EL 0 52.673135 -2.76112
SY3 0EN 0 52.673732 -2.761959
SY3 0EP 0 52.672474 -2.762734