all postcodes in SY3 / SHREWSBURY

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY3 0EQ 0 52.672287 -2.761623
SY3 0ER 0 52.671986 -2.763688
SY3 0ES 0 52.673374 -2.765887
SY3 0ET 1 52.674564 -2.76116
SY3 0EU 0 52.672134 -2.76449
SY3 0EW 3 52.673329 -2.76315
SY3 0EX 0 52.672405 -2.765618
SY3 0EY 0 52.670786 -2.76374
SY3 0EZ 0 52.670981 -2.766214
SY3 0HA 0 52.670713 -2.76587
SY3 0HB 1 52.669843 -2.765588
SY3 0HD 0 52.669525 -2.766071
SY3 0HE 0 52.670105 -2.765327
SY3 0HF 0 52.669748 -2.765851
SY3 0HG 0 52.669052 -2.766416
SY3 0HH 11 0 52.669928 -2.76908
SY3 0HJ 25 0 52.669426 -2.770328
SY3 0HN 3 0 52.668563 -2.768878
SY3 0HP 11 0 52.678369 -2.780262
SY3 0HQ 20 0 52.669736 -2.768174