all postcodes in SY8 / LUDLOW

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY8 3ET 13 0 52.383265 -2.674244
SY8 3EX 6 0 52.382041 -2.64878
SY8 3EY 5 0 52.381318 -2.636311
SY8 3EZ 7 0 52.373166 -2.652351
SY8 3HA 3 0 52.375943 -2.667008
SY8 3HB 6 0 52.380983 -2.673901
SY8 3HD 1 0 52.380912 -2.67531
SY8 3HE 2 0 52.386197 -2.655612
SY8 3HF 13 1 52.393365 -2.646945
SY8 3HG 8 0 52.392429 -2.644773
SY8 3HH 7 0 52.394274 -2.642713
SY8 3HJ 4 0 52.392624 -2.643571
SY8 3HL 12 0 52.391586 -2.631945
SY8 3HN 6 0 52.39568 -2.642102
SY8 3HP 6 0 52.388609 -2.626188
SY8 3HQ 16 1 52.394627 -2.642219
SY8 3HR 7 0 52.382982 -2.631104
SY8 3HT 17 0 52.380356 -2.629583
SY8 3HS 5 0 52.38036 -2.625411
SY8 3HU 25 0 52.378208 -2.625983