all postcodes in SY8 / LUDLOW

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY8 3HW 3 0 52.388317 -2.626948
SY8 3HX 4 0 52.378625 -2.627002
SY8 3HY 11 1 52.379345 -2.621753
SY8 3HZ 12 0 52.382283 -2.620472
SY8 3JA 15 0 52.368204 -2.623858
SY8 3JG 8 0 52.375113 -2.604007
SY8 3JH 4 0 52.372381 -2.621082
SY8 3JJ 1 0 52.371274 -2.62302
SY8 3JL 15 2 52.368628 -2.625274
SY8 3LE 15 0 52.366521 -2.625051
SY8 3JN 4 0 52.366075 -2.627777
SY8 3JP 12 0 52.368935 -2.621695
SY8 3JQ 9 0 52.374884 -2.612669
SY8 3JR 7 0 52.370865 -2.622265
SY8 3JT 10 0 52.374287 -2.624605
SY8 3JU 8 0 52.373016 -2.630286
SY8 3JW 10 0 52.369569 -2.624127
SY8 3JX 8 0 52.372593 -2.638726
SY8 3JY 1 0 52.369808 -2.634999
SY8 3JZ 2 0 52.368987 -2.634794