all postcodes in SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District

SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY1 2PU 19 0 52.719595 -2.752691
SY1 2PX 11 1 52.719601 -2.751699
SY1 2PY 8 0 52.719348 -2.751857
SY1 2PZ 16 0 52.718893 -2.751257
SY1 2QA 24 0 52.718752 -2.75087
SY1 2QB 28 0 52.720143 -2.750744
SY1 2QD 14 0 52.719582 -2.750337
SY1 2QE 12 0 52.719304 -2.750376
SY1 2QF 21 0 52.718704 -2.750011
SY1 2QG 21 0 52.718868 -2.749599
SY1 2QH 8 0 52.720565 -2.749404
SY1 2QJ 6 0 52.719519 -2.749018
SY1 2QL 7 0 52.719285 -2.748984
SY1 2QN 31 1 52.719838 -2.748313
SY1 2QP 14 0 52.720076 -2.75187
SY1 2QQ 32 0 52.71992 -2.749543
SY1 2QR 21 0 52.720082 -2.752433
SY1 2QS 4 0 52.720557 -2.750706
SY1 2QT 2 2 52.722054 -2.751428
SY1 2QU 18 0 52.722943 -2.750542