all postcodes in SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District

SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY1 2NS 8 0 52.717115 -2.756601
SY1 2NT 10 0 52.717247 -2.755641
SY1 2NU 3 1 52.716794 -2.754789
SY1 2NW 38 0 52.718786 -2.758273
SY1 2NX 48 0 52.716902 -2.744917
SY1 2NY 18 0 52.717024 -2.754068
SY1 2NZ 27 1 52.717214 -2.753834
SY1 2PA 5 1 52.717673 -2.755115
SY1 2PB 13 0 52.717904 -2.755652
SY1 2PD 1 0 52.724547 -2.758417
SY1 2PE 2 0 52.724724 -2.759884
SY1 2PF 1 1 52.716721 -2.761997
SY1 2PG 1 1 52.716386 -2.75533
SY1 2PH 8 0 52.722034 -2.75069
SY1 2PJ 10 0 52.717766 -2.751815
SY1 2PL 12 0 52.717582 -2.751013
SY1 2PN 41 0 52.718115 -2.750652
SY1 2PP 1 1 52.717706 -2.74989
SY1 2PR 21 4 52.719095 -2.752105
SY1 2PT 19 0 52.719111 -2.752431