all postcodes in TA1 / TAUNTON

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Postcode Area

TA / Taunton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TA1 1QJ 25 0 51.017133 -3.095909
TA1 1QL 27 0 51.019215 -3.098268
TA1 1QN 20 0 51.019042 -3.098506
TA1 1QP 6 4 51.023564 -3.099063
TA1 1AU 1 1 51.017155 -3.094541
TA1 1QQ 34 0 51.017384 -3.095059
TA1 1QS 10 10 51.020722 -3.092409
TA1 1QW 1 0 51.022778 -3.102843
TA1 1QY 20 0 51.016013 -3.099318
TA1 1RD 52 0 51.015574 -3.09821
TA1 1RE 48 0 51.015681 -3.0973
TA1 1RZ 12 10 51.015386 -3.101955
TA1 1RN 1 1 51.015161 -3.10195
TA1 1RT 33 0 51.01697 -3.100319
TA1 1RY 1 1 51.015938 -3.095809
TA1 1SA 7 3 51.015796 -3.10138
TA1 1SB 2 2 51.015369 -3.100295
TA1 1SE 9 9 51.014901 -3.10086
TA1 1SF 13 8 51.016833 -3.102061
TA1 1SG 37 3 51.015834 -3.099186