all postcodes in TA10 / LANGPORT

find any address or company within the TA10 postcode district

Postcode Area

TA / Taunton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TA10 9ES 7 0 51.045401 -2.794141
TA10 9ET 2 0 51.044413 -2.798181
TA10 9EU 5 1 51.048543 -2.796207
TA10 9EW 7 0 51.035472 -2.80347
TA10 9EX 13 0 51.044636 -2.806258
TA10 9EY 7 1 51.041202 -2.809788
TA10 9EZ 10 1 51.045091 -2.810441
TA10 9HA 2 0 51.045268 -2.813716
TA10 9HB 7 0 51.046904 -2.818675
TA10 9HD 31 0 51.03766 -2.819981
TA10 9HE 7 0 51.032998 -2.815335
TA10 9HG 1 1 51.032471 -2.816125
TA10 9HH 2 0 51.03131 -2.817849
TA10 9HJ 3 0 51.045296 -2.805828
TA10 9HL 19 0 51.03815 -2.820503
TA10 9HN 16 0 51.038705 -2.819657
TA10 9HQ 2 0 51.035185 -2.819301
TA10 9HR 8 0 51.025023 -2.754924
TA10 9HS 2 0 51.025131 -2.758052
TA10 9HT 15 2 51.024684 -2.758626