all postcodes in TA10 / LANGPORT

find any address or company within the TA10 postcode district

Postcode Area

TA / Taunton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TA10 9PH 12 1 51.036565 -2.832313
TA10 9PJ 7 0 51.036351 -2.833393
TA10 9PL 2 0 51.037347 -2.828881
TA10 9PP 5 0 51.036996 -2.827358
TA10 9PU 23 1 51.037036 -2.826831
TA10 9PQ 34 10 51.036938 -2.830713
TA10 9PR 36 12 51.037245 -2.83059
TA10 9PS 44 4 51.036814 -2.832674
TA10 9PW 37 9 51.037698 -2.828801
TA10 9PX 21 0 51.036005 -2.832702
TA10 9QA 2 0 51.037412 -2.826044
TA10 9QD 4 0 51.037345 -2.82667
TA10 9QB 4 0 51.037641 -2.82764
TA10 9QE 3 0 51.037593 -2.827245
TA10 9QF 23 0 51.037426 -2.825302
TA10 9QH 6 0 51.036526 -2.825181
TA10 9QJ 9 0 51.037683 -2.823062
TA10 9QL 3 0 51.036499 -2.822599
TA10 9QN 3 0 51.03702 -2.822751
TA10 9QP 5 0 51.036055 -2.820495