all postcodes in TA21 / WELLINGTON

find any address or company within the TA21 postcode district

Postcode Area

TA / Taunton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TA21 8PS 15 1 50.974669 -3.226263
TA21 8PT 8 1 50.974732 -3.224542
TA21 8PU 1 1 50.975532 -3.225431
TA21 8PX 21 0 50.973779 -3.225371
TA21 8PY 12 0 50.974048 -3.22374
TA21 8PZ 40 0 50.972822 -3.224876
TA21 8QA 18 0 50.971394 -3.2281
TA21 8QB 6 0 50.971817 -3.228125
TA21 8QD 3 0 50.972078 -3.227263
TA21 8QE 19 0 50.97186 -3.229109
TA21 8QF 42 0 50.973124 -3.227804
TA21 8QG 1 1 50.972457 -3.227131
TA21 8QH 5 0 50.976424 -3.232962
TA21 8QJ 13 0 50.977678 -3.225773
TA21 8QQ 45 1 50.976671 -3.227413
TA21 8QR 1 1 50.979087 -3.227217
TA21 8QS 1 1 50.979473 -3.226974
TA21 8QT 36 16 50.979473 -3.226974
TA21 8QY 29 9 50.980143 -3.225624
TA21 8QZ 3 0 50.980288 -3.225571