all postcodes in TA3 / TAUNTON

find any address or company within the TA3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TA / Taunton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TA3 5QH 0 51.024917 -3.03823
TA3 5QJ 0 51.027124 -3.040889
TA3 5QL 0 51.027247 -3.042146
TA3 5QN 0 51.027541 -3.043436
TA3 5QP 0 51.028204 -3.040699
TA3 5QQ 4 51.025451 -3.038883
TA3 5QR 0 51.028434 -3.040176
TA3 5QS 0 51.026774 -3.040781
TA3 5QT 0 51.026694 -3.042704
TA3 5QU 0 51.026256 -3.042352
TA3 5QX 0 51.025801 -3.040973
TA3 5QY 0 51.026138 -3.043462
TA3 5QZ 0 51.025469 -3.041864
TA3 5RA 0 51.029656 -3.017758
TA3 5RB 1 51.026955 -3.039658
TA3 5RG 0 50.990829 -3.006094
TA3 5RH 5 50.992671 -3.017055
TA3 5RJ 0 50.984854 -3.016949
TA3 5RL 0 50.982594 -3.017591
TA3 5RN 1 50.978412 -3.026565