all postcodes in TA4 / TAUNTON

find any address or company within the TA4 postcode district

Postcode Area

TA / Taunton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TA4 1DN 7 0 51.029794 -3.203789
TA4 1DP 9 0 51.034702 -3.211831
TA4 1DQ 33 0 51.040521 -3.182799
TA4 1DR 4 0 51.027736 -3.209753
TA4 1DS 21 1 51.027896 -3.213818
TA4 1DT 17 0 51.027107 -3.21574
TA4 1DU 14 2 51.027613 -3.217265
TA4 1DW 6 1 51.030102 -3.209686
TA4 1DX 5 0 51.02765 -3.21631
TA4 1DY 8 0 51.02753 -3.221812
TA4 1DZ 10 0 51.025826 -3.220498
TA4 1EG 13 0 51.004104 -3.133528
TA4 1EH 5 0 51.00657 -3.146202
TA4 1EJ 17 1 51.005264 -3.151857
TA4 1EL 16 8 51.003341 -3.151781
TA4 1EN 3 1 50.999667 -3.159909
TA4 1EP 8 1 50.997721 -3.170737
TA4 1EQ 6 0 50.99987 -3.144398
TA4 1ER 5 1 50.993577 -3.172315
TA4 1ES 2 1 50.993413 -3.174701