all postcodes in TA5 / BRIDGWATER

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Postcode Area

TA / Taunton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TA5 2EL 0 51.080942 -3.094161
TA5 2EN 0 51.085831 -3.088723
TA5 2EP 0 51.100406 -3.077676
TA5 2EQ 0 51.081979 -3.108671
TA5 2ET 0 51.072693 -3.103087
TA5 2EW 0 51.086978 -3.067775
TA5 2HA 2 51.149945 -3.06306
TA5 2HB 1 51.149764 -3.064649
TA5 2HD 0 51.150557 -3.064018
TA5 2HE 3 51.151123 -3.065509
TA5 2HF 1 51.150228 -3.068034
TA5 2HG 0 51.150068 -3.065871
TA5 2HH 0 51.152882 -3.061512
TA5 2HJ 1 51.151419 -3.060177
TA5 2HL 0 51.151433 -3.059082
TA5 2HN 0 51.151801 -3.060106
TA5 2HP 5 51.15012 -3.061083
TA5 2HQ 0 51.151459 -3.062214
TA5 2HS 0 51.149871 -3.06182
TA5 2HT 0 51.149257 -3.060614