all postcodes in TA6 / BRIDGWATER

find any address or company within the TA6 postcode district

Postcode Area

TA / Taunton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TA6 3EW 14 51.129308 -3.005499
TA6 3EX 3 51.132413 -3.005209
TA6 3FJ 1 51.133826 -3.005676
TA6 3EY 0 51.130285 -3.008036
TA6 3EZ 0 51.130724 -3.008682
TA6 3HA 0 51.128605 -3.009928
TA6 3HB 0 51.129364 -3.009473
TA6 3HD 0 51.130185 -3.009191
TA6 3HE 0 51.12898 -3.010802
TA6 3HF 1 51.130125 -3.003616
TA6 3HJ 1 51.130762 -3.003759
TA6 3HL 8 51.129413 -3.001729
TA6 3HH 0 51.128284 -3.010086
TA6 3HP 0 51.131871 -3.002339
TA6 3HR 0 51.131613 -3.003163
TA6 3HS 0 51.13364 -3.004764
TA6 3HT 0 51.134449 -3.004346
TA6 3HU 0 51.135394 -3.004717
TA6 3HW 4 51.130044 -3.002079
TA6 3HX 1 51.136457 -3.00454