all postcodes in TA7 / BRIDGWATER

find any address or company within the TA7 postcode district

Postcode Area

TA / Taunton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TA7 0PQ 4 1 51.095336 -2.888947
TA7 0PT 24 0 51.078996 -2.880683
TA7 0PU 16 0 51.078905 -2.882066
TA7 0PX 9 3 51.079949 -2.883099
TA7 0PY 6 0 51.079594 -2.88287
TA7 0PZ 16 0 51.07942 -2.884103
TA7 0QA 21 0 51.078957 -2.886255
TA7 0QB 3 0 51.07807 -2.885447
TA7 0QD 5 0 51.07848 -2.887125
TA7 0QE 17 1 51.077926 -2.888999
TA7 0QF 2 1 51.08033 -2.897146
TA7 0QG 30 0 51.08029 -2.883554
TA7 0QH 7 0 51.082176 -2.880015
TA7 0QJ 3 0 51.083111 -2.883616
TA7 0QL 7 0 51.084882 -2.876469
TA7 0QN 1 0 51.084845 -2.878952
TA7 0QP 6 0 51.081704 -2.879364
TA7 0QQ 10 0 51.08198 -2.880868
TA7 0QR 7 0 51.080974 -2.879898
TA7 0QS 29 1 51.080425 -2.88081