all postcodes in TA8 / BURNHAM-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

TA / Taunton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TA8 2RJ 1 51.289416 -3.009538
TA8 2RL 1 51.299623 -3.002131
TA8 2RN 1 51.297361 -2.993813
TA8 2RP 4 51.30437 -3.010132
TA8 2RR 3 51.308992 -3.010176
TA8 2RS 2 51.322668 -3.010699
TA8 2RT 0 51.293285 -3.011954
TA8 2RU 0 51.293147 -3.011671
TA8 2RW 1 51.286953 -2.997854
TA8 2RX 0 51.29251 -3.010509
TA8 2RY 0 51.292541 -3.012145
TA8 2SE 1 51.293608 -3.010347
TA8 2SF 4 51.297678 -3.010809
TA8 2SG 0 51.300323 -3.00962
TA8 2SL 0 51.248071 -2.991118
TA8 2SR 0 51.24387 -2.984868
TA8 2SS 0 51.244125 -2.982351
TA8 2ST 0 51.247664 -2.990321
TA8 2SU 0 51.243112 -2.983089
TA8 2SX 0 51.242857 -2.984952