all postcodes in TA9 / HIGHBRIDGE

find any address or company within the TA9 postcode district

Postcode Area

TA / Taunton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TA9 3EZ 0 51.224436 -2.983499
TA9 3HA 0 51.224733 -2.986684
TA9 3HB 0 51.224692 -2.985137
TA9 3HD 0 51.225627 -2.985696
TA9 3HE 0 51.22318 -2.98467
TA9 3HF 0 51.224982 -2.980025
TA9 3HG 0 51.22019 -2.976731
TA9 3HH 0 51.20496 -2.939597
TA9 3HN 2 51.220155 -2.976076
TA9 3HQ 0 51.218373 -2.973542
TA9 3HR 6 51.22186 -2.975382
TA9 3HS 0 51.223446 -2.974943
TA9 3HT 0 51.223762 -2.974228
TA9 3HU 0 51.224337 -2.973267
TA9 3HW 2 51.220866 -2.976019
TA9 3HX 0 51.220585 -2.976768
TA9 3HZ 0 51.221182 -2.979047
TA9 3JB 1 51.220871 -2.976463
TA9 3JD 4 51.223071 -2.975679
TA9 3JE 0 51.223179 -2.976799