all postcodes in TD14 / EYEMOUTH

find any address or company within the TD14 postcode district

Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD14 5LL 30 0 55.866193 -2.088431
TD14 5LN 26 1 55.848201 -2.223718
TD14 5FD 5 0 55.850368 -2.207439
TD14 5LP 7 0 55.839966 -2.255391
TD14 5LQ 21 15 55.869334 -2.104401
TD14 5LR 9 0 55.836136 -2.280041
TD14 5LS 32 1 55.839586 -2.239166
TD14 5LT 8 0 55.834492 -2.229108
TD14 5LU 19 0 55.837984 -2.195024
TD14 5LW 9 0 55.860878 -2.2666
TD14 5NA 1 1 55.888442 -2.150624
TD14 5NB 2 0 55.887648 -2.151267
TD14 5ND 16 0 55.88838 -2.157563
TD14 5NE 21 0 55.886261 -2.155875
TD14 5NF 2 0 55.888415 -2.155586
TD14 5NG 11 2 55.885998 -2.158001
TD14 5NH 17 0 55.885182 -2.156543
TD14 5NJ 24 0 55.888024 -2.154604
TD14 5NL 22 4 55.886233 -2.157298
TD14 5NN 6 0 55.887394 -2.155608