all postcodes in TD14 / EYEMOUTH

find any address or company within the TD14 postcode district

Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD14 5NP 5 1 55.886492 -2.158434
TD14 5NQ 4 0 55.887932 -2.156426
TD14 5NR 19 1 55.888665 -2.151744
TD14 5NS 33 3 55.887361 -2.160132
TD14 5NT 1 1 55.888404 -2.166676
TD14 5NU 18 0 55.885365 -2.154513
TD14 5NW 1 0 55.885363 -2.155904
TD14 5NX 8 0 55.889494 -2.150245
TD14 5NY 12 0 55.889582 -2.151396
TD14 5NZ 8 0 55.893982 -2.135845
TD14 5PA 18 5 55.892061 -2.137064
TD14 5PB 47 0 55.884217 -2.152302
TD14 5PD 5 0 55.885659 -2.155937
TD14 5PE 32 1 55.887972 -2.160087
TD14 5PH 19 1 55.898748 -2.131544
TD14 5PJ 3 0 55.897442 -2.129183
TD14 5PL 3 0 55.899837 -2.132901
TD14 5PN 9 0 55.8978 -2.131023
TD14 5PP 22 3 55.89746 -2.129775
TD14 5PQ 27 0 55.896974 -2.130589