all postcodes in TD8 / JEDBURGH

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD8 6PL 8 1 55.412782 -2.516748
TD8 6PN 16 0 55.419073 -2.512271
TD8 6PP 3 0 55.394824 -2.509252
TD8 6PQ 2 1 55.446073 -2.547836
TD8 6PR 5 0 55.383718 -2.496088
TD8 6PS 9 0 55.370923 -2.513252
TD8 6PT 1 0 55.3674 -2.493864
TD8 6PU 2 0 55.369255 -2.456153
TD8 6PW 8 0 55.397676 -2.499515
TD8 6PX 47 0 55.473429 -2.544893
TD8 6PY 14 0 55.473535 -2.543408
TD8 6PZ 23 0 55.474234 -2.543797
TD8 6QA 2 0 55.471705 -2.56264
TD8 6QB 3 0 55.47319 -2.567954
TD8 6QD 4 1 55.47359 -2.560936
TD8 6QE 4 0 55.474098 -2.557906
TD8 6QF 4 0 55.471629 -2.557508
TD8 6QG 1 0 55.470239 -2.556871
TD8 6QH 3 1 55.476731 -2.54997
TD8 6QJ 5 0 55.477624 -2.547166