all postcodes in TD8 / JEDBURGH

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD8 6NJ 4 1 55.421668 -2.355688
TD8 6NL 10 1 55.381627 -2.380044
TD8 6NN 2 2 55.478193 -2.540498
TD8 6NP 44 0 55.474587 -2.545226
TD8 6NQ 2 0 55.419342 -2.407442
TD8 6NR 3 1 55.47087 -2.554586
TD8 6NS 1 0 55.469798 -2.553195
TD8 6NT 2 0 55.467662 -2.552839
TD8 6NU 1 0 55.468217 -2.545059
TD8 6NW 4 0 55.394352 -2.438839
TD8 6NX 6 1 55.455476 -2.548804
TD8 6NY 1 0 55.465777 -2.55404
TD8 6NZ 1 0 55.46642 -2.559148
TD8 6PA 12 0 55.460246 -2.563103
TD8 6PB 17 0 55.451866 -2.56028
TD8 6PD 7 0 55.441718 -2.589842
TD8 6PE 1 0 55.456265 -2.557212
TD8 6PF 7 0 55.445864 -2.554526
TD8 6PH 16 0 55.426749 -2.548785
TD8 6PJ 11 2 55.432271 -2.533485