all postcodes in TD8 / JEDBURGH

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD8 6HX 2 0 55.478961 -2.549801
TD8 6JH 2 1 55.474315 -2.553897
TD8 6JJ 3 2 55.475282 -2.552449
TD8 6JL 2 0 55.475077 -2.552262
TD8 6JN 18 0 55.472926 -2.550882
TD8 6JP 4 0 55.472369 -2.550922
TD8 6JQ 14 1 55.47584 -2.554276
TD8 6JR 57 0 55.472463 -2.550069
TD8 6JS 23 0 55.469956 -2.549891
TD8 6JT 40 0 55.46998 -2.548753
TD8 6JU 22 0 55.471849 -2.548747
TD8 6JW 2 0 55.472039 -2.552426
TD8 6JX 56 0 55.470267 -2.550797
TD8 6JY 63 0 55.471213 -2.548137
TD8 6JZ 62 0 55.471553 -2.546576
TD8 6LA 40 3 55.47295 -2.54756
TD8 6LB 64 0 55.473774 -2.548173
TD8 6LD 44 0 55.47412 -2.549095
TD8 6LE 13 0 55.471456 -2.552064
TD8 6LF 10 0 55.4762 -2.548191