all postcodes in TD8 / JEDBURGH

find any address or company within the TD8 postcode district

Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD8 6LG 10 0 55.475017 -2.549582
TD8 6LH 7 0 55.476295 -2.54903
TD8 6LJ 57 0 55.475696 -2.546364
TD8 6LN 14 0 55.484154 -2.553776
TD8 6LP 33 0 55.483671 -2.553215
TD8 6LQ 11 0 55.475155 -2.550723
TD8 6LR 1 1 55.480708 -2.538728
TD8 6LS 14 7 55.477028 -2.535625
TD8 6LT 4 1 55.481093 -2.498978
TD8 6LU 11 1 55.491955 -2.476477
TD8 6LX 7 0 55.480871 -2.484587
TD8 6LY 1 0 55.469467 -2.485016
TD8 6LZ 8 0 55.459751 -2.478809
TD8 6NA 7 0 55.43636 -2.46762
TD8 6NB 2 0 55.446041 -2.469353
TD8 6ND 16 0 55.440121 -2.434937
TD8 6NE 8 1 55.400765 -2.42673
TD8 6NF 9 0 55.397084 -2.49035
TD8 6NG 1 0 55.383891 -2.461003
TD8 6NH 3 1 55.424845 -2.384147