all postcodes in TD9 / NEWCASTLETON

find any address or company within the TD9 postcode district

Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD9 0LN 3 0 55.322406 -2.938551
TD9 0LP 3 1 55.287826 -2.944521
TD9 0LQ 2 0 55.338235 -2.939322
TD9 0LS 2 0 55.257789 -2.870696
TD9 0LT 13 0 55.265091 -2.836153
TD9 0LU 2 0 55.255175 -2.792778
TD9 0LW 3 0 55.302316 -2.934866
TD9 0LX 3 0 55.248598 -2.776944
TD9 0LY 2 0 55.253537 -2.781985
TD9 0LZ 1 0 55.274818 -2.768579
TD9 0NA 1 0 55.27205 -2.724534
TD9 0NB 1 0 55.284492 -2.781849
TD9 0NJ 11 0 55.415948 -2.799878
TD9 0NL 10 0 55.414452 -2.801964
TD9 0NN 2 1 55.408352 -2.810026
TD9 0NP 2 0 55.403994 -2.827465
TD9 0NR 9 0 55.400833 -2.829574
TD9 0NS 4 0 55.403954 -2.829229
TD9 0NT 5 0 55.40504 -2.829394
TD9 0NW 2 0 55.406597 -2.826509