all postcodes in TD9 / NEWCASTLETON

find any address or company within the TD9 postcode district

Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD9 0NY 1 1 55.411923 -2.799796
TD9 0NZ 1 0 55.407304 -2.803872
TD9 0PA 2 0 55.402329 -2.80218
TD9 0PB 10 0 55.400957 -2.790558
TD9 0PD 4 0 55.390599 -2.810684
TD9 0PE 5 0 55.371312 -2.833927
TD9 0PF 1 0 55.38505 -2.858776
TD9 0PG 4 0 55.344531 -2.831661
TD9 0PH 1 0 55.337514 -2.845986
TD9 0PJ 5 0 55.33432 -2.855566
TD9 0PL 1 0 55.353653 -2.865433
TD9 0PN 2 0 55.352774 -2.866455
TD9 0PP 2 0 55.344618 -2.933087
TD9 0PQ 5 0 55.330543 -2.843016
TD9 0PR 2 0 55.348711 -2.939441
TD9 0PS 5 1 55.346535 -2.975139
TD9 0PT 1 0 55.316406 -2.964724
TD9 0PU 5 0 55.307548 -2.988108
TD9 0PW 1 0 55.358792 -2.887878
TD9 0QD 16 3 55.179265 -2.813501