all postcodes in TD / Galashiels

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District

TD / Galashiels

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD1 3LT 10 0 55.620233 -2.873042
TD1 3LU 15 2 55.619964 -2.874164
TD1 3LW 1 1 55.609321 -2.904453
TD1 3LX 36 0 55.618761 -2.874105
TD1 3LY 6 0 55.616579 -2.876375
TD1 3LZ 16 0 55.617509 -2.878253
TD1 3NA 7 1 55.618371 -2.877161
TD1 3NB 4 0 55.619175 -2.876528
TD1 3ND 13 1 55.621549 -2.8762
TD1 3NE 40 0 55.620063 -2.878008
TD1 3NF 20 0 55.618307 -2.878541
TD1 3NG 40 0 55.620979 -2.87425
TD1 3NH 11 0 55.61818 -2.879903
TD1 3NJ 2 0 55.60316 -2.782563
TD1 3NL 3 0 55.602391 -2.791812
TD1 3NN 3 0 55.600758 -2.792779
TD1 3NP 1 0 55.597952 -2.798737
TD1 3NQ 44 0 55.604564 -2.789237
TD1 3NR 3 0 55.596425 -2.797215
TD1 3NS 4 0 55.59567 -2.793105