all postcodes in TD / Galashiels

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District

TD / Galashiels

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD1 3NT 2 0 55.59238 -2.800246
TD1 3NU 9 0 55.591693 -2.799514
TD1 3NW 5 0 55.600531 -2.79041
TD1 3NX 4 0 55.588976 -2.806869
TD1 3NY 1 0 55.58711 -2.810559
TD1 3NZ 4 0 55.574035 -2.817474
TD1 3PA 10 0 55.572056 -2.81637
TD1 3PB 6 0 55.57273 -2.81908
TD1 3PD 3 0 55.567336 -2.830179
TD1 3PE 8 2 55.572383 -2.823974
TD1 3PF 1 0 55.575201 -2.819052
TD1 3PG 7 0 55.578047 -2.828756
TD1 3PH 6 0 55.569662 -2.836968
TD1 3PJ 2 0 55.567553 -2.836546
TD1 3PL 1 0 55.574336 -2.836734
TD1 3PN 0 55.580543 -2.839674
TD1 3PP 1 55.585936 -2.863923
TD1 3PQ 0 55.573261 -2.836267
TD1 3PR 0 55.588341 -2.863195
TD1 3PS 0 55.582258 -2.824022