all postcodes in TD / Galashiels

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District

TD / Galashiels

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD1 3DF 0 55.608774 -2.794132
TD1 3HH 2 2 55.605107 -2.778788
TD1 3SX 64 0 55.602411 -2.764657
TD1 3SY 64 0 55.601308 -2.765619
TD1 3SZ 14 0 55.602838 -2.765252
TD1 3TA 7 0 55.603224 -2.763927
TD1 3AP 7 7 55.613654 -2.80214
TD1 3TB 0 55.604007 -2.769418
TD1 3AJ 0 55.618333 -2.873527
TD1 3AL 0 55.617872 -2.87272
TD1 3LQ 1 1 55.616138 -2.875253
TD1 3JZ 0 55.605973 -2.786619
TD1 3GZ 0 55.611098 -2.804056
TD1 3AB 1 55.615056 -2.806201
TD1 9AJ 1 55.617464 -2.80901
TD1 9AT 1 1 55.617463 -2.809014
TD1 9AU 1 55.617463 -2.809014
TD10 6AB 0 55.707217 -2.462767
TD10 6UA 0 55.706143 -2.461689
TD10 6UB 0 55.70546 -2.461521