all postcodes in TF11 / SHIFNAL

find any address or company within the TF11 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF11 8TU 11 0 52.676137 -2.366423
TF11 8TX 6 0 52.675906 -2.365549
TF11 8TY 10 0 52.674822 -2.367181
TF11 8TZ 19 0 52.674286 -2.366009
TF11 8UA 14 0 52.673164 -2.368543
TF11 8UB 32 0 52.673502 -2.366815
TF11 8UD 9 0 52.673123 -2.367197
TF11 8UE 11 0 52.673784 -2.36843
TF11 8UF 13 0 52.667524 -2.369619
TF11 8UH 20 0 52.673798 -2.369864
TF11 8UP 1 1 52.644407 -2.311622
TF11 8BW 0 52.69767 -2.335159
TF11 8NS 0 52.660305 -2.323622
TF11 8SR 0 52.668048 -2.371709
TF11 8BD 30 0 52.66929 -2.374189
TF11 8FE 18 4 52.666513 -2.373721
TF11 8BF 7 0 52.709866 -2.261231
TF11 8FL 20 0 52.671218 -2.372815
TF11 8BG 0 52.668064 -2.375184
TF11 8FA 0 52.666708 -2.367968