all postcodes in TF11 / SHIFNAL

find any address or company within the TF11 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF11 8FB 0 52.666763 -2.36751
TF11 8FD 0 52.665827 -2.364885
TF11 8FF 0 52.674547 -2.362
TF11 8FG 0 52.675745 -2.361152
TF11 8FJ 0 52.674644 -2.359738
TF11 8FN 0 52.674901 -2.360835
TF11 8FP 0 52.675462 -2.36254
TF11 8FQ 5 0 52.677312 -2.374728
TF11 8FR 32 0 52.676296 -2.371998
TF11 8FW 17 0 52.675292 -2.373942
TF11 8FX 11 0 52.67478 -2.373923
TF11 8FY 0 52.675427 -2.376679
TF11 8FZ 0 52.675299 -2.377506
TF11 8GB 0 52.675838 -2.377452
TF11 8GL 0 52.675484 -2.375925
TF11 8GN 0 52.675223 -2.376041
TF11 9AU 13 11 52.665928 -2.368364
TF11 9AA 33 7 52.664966 -2.374019
TF11 9AB 5 0 52.664427 -2.376646
TF11 9AD 21 0 52.665593 -2.374763