all postcodes in TF12 / BROSELEY

find any address or company within the TF12 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF12 5AD 11 0 52.612539 -2.471931
TF12 5AE 2 0 52.612983 -2.470131
TF12 5AF 6 0 52.616803 -2.473276
TF12 5AG 3 0 52.618491 -2.473989
TF12 5AH 3 0 52.618372 -2.472097
TF12 5AJ 22 0 52.61992 -2.473308
TF12 5AL 11 0 52.60866 -2.465982
TF12 5AN 21 1 52.610971 -2.465918
TF12 5AP 2 0 52.611534 -2.454403
TF12 5AQ 10 0 52.619184 -2.473804
TF12 5AR 4 0 52.608934 -2.445574
TF12 5AS 7 0 52.608359 -2.473997
TF12 5AT 1 0 52.604923 -2.458618
TF12 5AU 6 0 52.598541 -2.453694
TF12 5AW 1 0 52.610235 -2.467948
TF12 5AX 41 0 52.611048 -2.471457
TF12 5AY 5 0 52.609051 -2.474093
TF12 5AZ 10 0 52.609491 -2.471868
TF12 5BA 14 0 52.609834 -2.469258
TF12 5BB 3 1 52.614454 -2.500308