all postcodes in TF3 / TELFORD

find any address or company within the TF3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF3 1AT 9 0 52.653404 -2.456524
TF3 1AU 8 0 52.654101 -2.455201
TF3 1AW 74 0 52.652915 -2.454922
TF3 1AX 8 0 52.652041 -2.453169
TF3 1AY 15 0 52.65285 -2.453296
TF3 1AZ 11 0 52.653205 -2.454319
TF3 1BJ 10 0 52.653771 -2.449846
TF3 1BL 31 0 52.653747 -2.449077
TF3 1BN 18 0 52.653146 -2.450963
TF3 1BP 24 0 52.652851 -2.448329
TF3 1BS 7 0 52.649283 -2.454988
TF3 1BT 16 0 52.649558 -2.45369
TF3 1BU 18 0 52.649144 -2.451395
TF3 1BW 14 0 52.653912 -2.450661
TF3 1BX 34 1 52.648053 -2.451604
TF3 1BY 12 0 52.647202 -2.45056
TF3 1BZ 4 0 52.646814 -2.449523
TF3 1DP 26 0 52.653236 -2.44616
TF3 1DR 19 0 52.653718 -2.446414
TF3 1DS 22 0 52.650538 -2.451291